What is YOUCAT ?

YOUCAT is probably one of the most successful Catholic youth books in the world; it is a catechism (YOUth CATechism) for young people. The most important contents of the faith are summarized briefly and comprehensibly in the format of questions and answers. In his preface, Benedict XVI invites young people to “read it together, if you are friends, form groups and study networks, exchange ideas on the Internet. In any case remain in dialogue on your faith!”

Pour en savoir plus sur Youcat : https://www.youcat.org/lourdes

What is YOUCAT?

Pope Francis in his Apostolic letter Sanctuarium in Ecclesia invites all places of pilgrimage to become more and more places of a New Evangelization. YOUCAT and the Sanctuary of Lourdes have decided to unite their synergies in 2018 in order to propose activities for the youth in the perspective of this New Evangelization.


What are YOUCAT missionaries doing in Lourdes?

The YOUCAT missionaries offer this summer, from 6th JULY to 5th SEPTEMBER , programs in different languages, as well as opportunities for youths to meet and interact. In an atmosphere of joy and creativity the young people will be enriched and inspired. The YOUCAT Rooms are located near The Little House of Bernadette next to the Church of St Bernadette.

You can also simply come to us and get deeper rooted in the faith of the church. We also have exciting materials for trainers and catechists. 

Who are the workshops for?

They are for those who are curious and want to deepen their Christian faith and the message of Lourdes in an attractive way, especially for young people. Age limit depends on activities proposed.

Quelle est le programme de YOUCAT à Lourdes ?

The workshops will help you to discover deeper in a joyful way the message of Lourdes by reflecting at different topics of faith.

  • Faith – Source for the seeking
  • Mary – God’s great idea
  • Hope – Strong power for long distances
  • Miracles – Miracles are normal
  • Charity – Make the difference
  • Prayer – Real conversation with God
  • Eucharist – Taste of love
  • Reconciliation – It’s never too late

On Fridays children together with their parents have the opportunity to make friendship with the two funny heroes of the YOUCAT for Kids. Transmission of faith to little children is an adventure for the whole family.

Would you like to talk to the YOUCAT missionaries, but do not have time to attend one of their workshops? How about you getting together for a meeting to talk about your question on faith, to get known better to the YOUCAT?

At the YOUCAT evening, there will be time for friendship, snacks, games, music and “hanging out”. Young people from different nations get in touch with the international YOUCAT missionaries. It’s a great opportunity to speak about the most important questions of life.

In which time period are the YOUCAT missionaries present?

6th JULY to 5th SEPTEMBER Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday


How to book ? 

To register your group or pilgrimage, please call the planning  office +33 5 62 42 79 02 or send an email to: reservation@lourdes-france.com