A “Chaplain” is the name given to the priests who carry out their ministry at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes; they are the “guardians of the Chapel”. They come from different countries to minister to pilgrims in the official languages used at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes. During the season, from Easter to the end of October, auxiliary priests come to help them in their work, especially in the ministry of confession. Below, you can find details of some of the Sanctuary Chaplains currently in post.

Mgr Olivier Ribadeau Dumas
Rector of the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes
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Mgr Xavier d’Arodes
Vice rector of the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes
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Father Horacio Brito
Chaplain of the Hospitality of Our Lady of Lourdes
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Father Nicola Ventriglia
Italian language Coordinator
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Father Cyril MacNeil
Chaplain for English speaking pilgrims
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Father Dominique Derkoningen
Coordinator for the Dutch language
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Father Klaus Holzamer
German language Coordinator
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Father Pascal Boulic
Chaplain for the Youth and Family Service
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Father Mihai Perca
In charge of the Confessions Chapel
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Father Mauricio Elias
Coordinator for the Spanish language
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Father Jean-Xavier Salefran
In charge of Liturgy
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Father Jean-Marcel Rossini
Superior of the Capuchin Community
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Father Linus Sosai
Priest serving Tamil pilgrims
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Brother Jean-Paul Lecot
Choir Master
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