After an unprecedented year, life at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes is gradually returning to its usual rhythm of French pilgrimages but also foreign ones.
Proof of this comes in the form of the American Order of Malta, in Lourdes from 30th August to 8th September.
Despite the 11-hour flight, it’s just smiles, laughs, and hugs and fist-bumps when the plane arrives. The pilgrims, and members of the association who have come to welcome them, are so happy are to be in Lourdes after such a long time that the atmosphere is set, and joy abounds.
On the programme of this 2021 pilgrimage: a presentation on “The miracle is Lourdes” by Doctor Alessandro de Francisis, touching on history, healings, miracles, faith, theology of, and service of the sick in the Sanctuary, plus Eucharistic adoration in the basilica of Saint Pius X, mass at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, and the torchlight procession, etc.
"Le miracle est Lourdes" était le titre de la présentation de @a_defranciscis aujourd'hui pour les pèlerins de @OrdMalta_WA_USA à Lourdes, touchant l'histoire, les guérisons, les miracles, la foi, la théologie et le service des malades comme vocation de l'@orderofmalta !
— AMIL- Association Médicale Internationale Lourdes (@LourdesMedicale) September 3, 2021