22nd August: The Queenship of Mary

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The Queenship of Mary

It was in 1954, a few years after the proclamation of the dogma of the Assumption (1950) and amidst the fervour of the coronation of Our Lady of Fatima, that Pope Pius XII finally instituted the liturgical feast of the Queenship of Mary.

“The solemnity of the Assumption is joyfully prolonged through the celebration of the feast of the Queenship of Mary which takes place eight days later and in which we contemplate the one who, seated next to the King of the centuries, shines as queen and intercedes as mother”, specified the Pope who also published the encyclical Ad coeli Reginam on the Queenship of Mary.

Pius XII added, “Mary became the first of those who, serving Christ also in others, with humility and patience lead their brothers and sisters to that King whom to serve is to reign.”

Let us pray

Prayer to Mary, Queen of all Hearts

O Mary, Queen of all hearts, Advocate of hopeless causes, Mother so pure, so compassionate,
Mother of divine Love and full of divine light,
I place into your gentle hands the favours that we await from you today.
Look upon our wretchedness, our hearts, our tears, our inner trials, our sufferings:
You can answer our prayers through the merits of your divine Son, Jesus Christ.
Graciously hear our prayers at your altar, where every day you give so many proofs of your power
and your love for the healing of body and soul.
We hope against all hope: Ask of Jesus our healing, our pardon, and our final perseverance.
O Mary, Queen of Hearts, heal us, we trust you. Amen.

Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, Glory be to the Father …